Lines of research
PPGEC Research Lines
Line 1: Educational Policies and Curriculum - The line has its theoretical-practical scope in understanding the interaction between policies and science curricula. Research contexts should emerge from educational discourses and corroborate the discussion of curricular reconstruction in the dynamics of curriculum provision and production. Teaching discourses, didactic production and curricular documents are important research elements in this line and may be thought through the bias of concepts, purposes, methodologies and evaluation in the Science Teaching. The theoretical dimension of the line emphasizes the recontextualization of conceptions of teaching and evaluation, and the curricular and school discourses, which work as focal points for the analysis of the researches that are allocated here. This line aims to: Investigate the curricular dynamics in Science Teaching, as well as its articulations with educational policies and practices; - Research the educational discourse on curricular policies in the field of Sciences; - Analyze the production of curriculum through the textbook from school documents and discourses; - Diagnose and propose curricular renewals in the field of Science Education; - Think of proposals for curricular training and innovation articulated among themselves. Line 1 Teachers: Deniz Alcione Nicolay, Erica do Espirito Santo Hermel, Fabiane de Andrade Leite, Rosangela Inês Matos Uhmann, Rosemar Ayres dos Santos, Neusa Maria John Scheid, and Otavio Aloisio Maldaner.
Line 2: Teacher Training and Pedagogical Practices - This line is committed to the contemplation on the dynamics of the formative and constitutive processes of Science, Biology, Physics and Chemistry teachers, among others. From the historical-cultural reference and research/training/action, it discusses training processes and teaching knowledge, as well as problematization and significance of specific scientific knowledge of the Nature Sciences and their Technologies in pedagogical contexts. Teaching professionalization and theorization of practices in the perspective of critical contemplation are categories addressed by this line of research. This line aims to: - Theorize, problematize and investigate formative contexts in Sciences; - Search processes of conceptual significance in Sciences in specific teaching context and in teacher training processes; - Articulate contemplations from research that focuses on the examination of teaching practices in Science at different levels of education; Investigate and contextualize processes of teaching and training of teachers whose purpose is to investigate, research and develop critical thinking in Science. Line 2 Teachers: Danusa de Lara Bonotto, Judite Scherer Wenzel, Roque Ismael da Costa Güllich, Sandra Maria Wirzbicki, Sinara München, Fábio da Purificação de Bastos, and Rúbia Emmel.