Lines of research
Line 1: Agroecosystems, sustainability and agrobiodiversity
It studies the dynamics and functioning of agroecosystems, the generation of technology and innovation through the agroecological approach, biological processes of agrobiodiversity, sustainability indicators and theoretical, practical and methodological aspects of Agroecology as resulting from the dialogue of knowledge (between sciences and these with knowledge emerging from farmers’ experience), with a view to a new productive matrix that generates work and income in an equitable way. This set of research from Line 01 dialogues with the socio-environmental dynamics (Line 2) that determine the insertion of the farmer in analysis and its relationship with the processes and strategies of sustainable rural development from the perspective of a new production matrix.
Line 2: Social and environmental dynamics
It involves research on the processes and strategies of rural and sustainable development, as well as socio-environmental dynamics, including socio-economic aspects, market and marketing relations and the generation of work and income that occur in rural areas, with emphasis on sovereignty, food security and public policies. It studies the dynamics of the relationship between society and nature, the meaning of the environment and its material and immaterial components in its historical context, as well as the ways of appropriation of natural resources and environmental impacts and social, economic and environmental effects resulting from the development strategies in force. These themes are in line with research in Line 01, in which the agroecosystem is considered as a unit of analysis and the agroecological approach as an epistemic framework.