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Curricular Structure


To obtain the title of Master in Interdisciplinary in Human Sciences, the student must complete at least thirty (30) credits, distributed in: 12 credits in compulsory subjects, 12 credits in electives and 6 credits in dissertation.

The compulsory and elective subjects are:





O, E, OL

Interdisciplinary Seminar on Human Sciences I



The humanities: objects, methodologies and production of academic knowledge. Human sciences, humanities and knowledge. The concept of interdisciplinarity and its implications for research in the human sciences. Methods and techniques of interdisciplinary research in the human sciences. Quantitative and qualitative approaches.


Interdisciplinary Seminar on Human Sciences II



Elaboration, development, orientation and socialization of interdisciplinary research project in the humanities.


Orientation Seminar



Discussion and orientation of interdisciplinary research in Human Sciences in preparation by participants.






Required for all lines

Faculty Internship



Methodology of interdisciplinary teaching. Undergraduate teaching practice. Accomplishment of the internship activities, reflection, discussion and analysis of the situations experienced during the internship, based on theory. Supervision and evaluation of classes taught in undergraduate courses. Evaluation:


Memory and Collective Identities



Relationships between memory and the formation of collective identities. The process of historic construction of memory and identities: conflicts and tensions. Memory as a locus of individual and shared experiences: (re)signified, knowledge and social practices. The “social identity” study and its intertwining with the methodologies of oral history, anthropology and sociology. The “present time”, the “forgetfulness” and the “silences”

Line Elective: Knowledge, Processes and Social Practices

Domination, Endurance and Autonomy



Theories and methodologies about resistance domination processes; domination and biopolitics. The discussion about resistance, empowerment and autonomy of subordinate subjects. Ethnicity, racialization, politics and racial struggles. Sex, gender relations, feminist movement and LGBT. Colonialism ethnic resistances. Wealth and social marginalization. Relations between the rule of law and individual and collective autonomy.

Line Elective: Knowledge, Processes and Social Practices

Nationalisms and Identities



Study of the constituent factors of national identity. Elements that foster the ideas of construction and national inclusion during the nineteenth century: development of the press from a capitalist perspective, development of a state bureaucracy, adoption of official languages, mass access to school education. Outbreak of nationalisms and their influence on artistic manifestations. Eugenics and national identity as a justifying element of colonialism. Formation of Brazilian Identities. Nationalisms in the twentieth century: fascisms, colonizations and decolonizations. The media and the (de)construction of a global identity.

Line Elective: Knowledge, Processes and Social Practices

Work, Economy and Society



Work and employment in modernity. Labor market and social inequalities. (In)Security in the labor market. New technologies and changes in the world of work. The debate about the end of the centrality of work in contemporary societies. The new Economic Sociology and the social construction of the labor market. The role of work in the constitution of Brazilian society.

Line Elective: Knowledge, Processes and Social Practices

Urban Space and Society



Urban space as a field of social construction. Forms of (re)production of urban space by social groups. The construction of social identity and the socially produced territorial structures. Appropriation of the natural environment and its transformation into anthropic and social space. Spatial organization of cities: integration versus segregation. The formation of public and private spaces: the structuring power of activities in the potential of movement and social relations in the intraurban and regional dynamics. The city, the region and the communication and transportation networks: the formation of space through the displacement of goods, labor, information and energy.

Line Elective: Knowledge, Processes and Social Practices

Emerging Socialities and Social Movements



The global character of social struggles and movements in the context of the capitalist world-system. Collective action, social class and conflict. Emerging socialities and construction of alternative social spaces, counterpowers or anti-systemic movements. Spaces of social self-organization in different correlations of actors and scenarios: occupy movement and countercultural collectives; Free Pass movement in Brazil; indigenous movements in Latin America; social movements in networks and movement networks; and altermundialist transnational activism.

Line Elective: Knowledge, Processes and Social Practices

Culture, citizenship and contemporary politics



Relations between culture, citizenship and contemporary politics, in an interdisciplinary perspective. Sociocultural, pedagogical and identity processes and political interventions in contemporary cities. Objectives, projects and action repertoires of actors engaged in policies. Contemporary themes: new policies aimed at schooling, facing social inequalities, social justice and cultural diversity in urban areas.

Line Elective: Contemporary Education, Cultures and Citizenships

Knowledge, culture and school curricula



History of schooling policies; the political and economic meanings in the constitution of the modern school; the processes of selection of the knowledge to be taught; the interfaces between curriculum, knowledge and cultures contemporary; the constitution of the field of Curriculum Studies; curriculum theories and conceptions of school knowledge; the articulations between curriculum and schooling policies in the culture of the new capitalism.

Line Elective: Contemporary Education, Cultures and Citizenships

Governmentality, risk management and schooling policies



Logic of sovereignty and logic of governmentality. Government rationality and the art of government: from blocking to unlocking the arts of governing. Governmentality, risk and schooling policies. Governmentality as a grid of intelligibility of liberalism and neoliberalisms. Contemporary schooling policies and risk management.

Line Elective: Contemporary Education, Cultures and Citizenships

Cultural Pedagogies and Education



Cultural Studies. Linguistic Turn. Culture, education and pedagogy. Cultural curriculum. Cultural Pedagogies. Representation. Identity and difference. Analysis of cultural artifacts.

Line Elective: Contemporary Education, Cultures and Citizenships

Cultural and Postcolonial Studies



The emergence of Cultural Studies as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge production. Poststructuralism and Cultural Studies: methodologies and knowledge. Historical developments and the rise of Postcolonial Studies. Criticism of Westernism and colonial discourse. Identity and difference. Diasporic cultures and subordinate knowledge. Transculturation and transnationalization. Thresholds, lines and borders.

Line Elective: Contemporary Education, Cultures and Citizenships

Complexity, metadisciplinarity and reconnection of knowledge



The crisis of modernity in its various formulations: Enlightenment versus postmodern paradigm, structuralism versus poststructuralism, modern science versus ecology of knowledge, modernity versus coloniality of power and knowledge, universality versus epistemic puriversality, among others. The expressions of the crisis in the universe of education and the humanities. The epistemological and pedagogical elaborations of the Complexity theories and the idea of the Ecology of Knowledge. Examination of the conditions of possibility of the so-called reconnection of knowledge.

Line Elective: Contemporary Education, Cultures and Citizenships

Speech, knowledge and power



The French School of Speech Analysis. The concepts of enunciation, discourse, discursive formation, interdiscourse and ideology. The subject in/for discourse analysis. The notion of discourse in Michel Foucault. The concept of knowing and truth of Michel Foucault. Archeology of knowledge and genealogy of power. The production of truth and subject in discourse. Humanities, knowledge and power. Devices and diagrams. Discipline, subjection and resistance. Biopolitics and the production of subjects in modernity. The body and corporality as objects of the knowledge of the human sciences.

Line Elective: Subject and Language

Structuralism, Poststructuralism and Human Sciences



Theoretical-methodological presentation of Structuralism. The key concepts of Saussurian structuralism. Structuralism and emergence of the Human Sciences. Language, subject and history. Limits of structuralism. Poststructuralism and Postmodernism. The appropriation of Nietzsche and Heidegger. The new conceptual network and its dissemination in the Human Sciences.

Line Elective: Subject and Language

Language, Mind and World



The relationship between language, mind and world. The problems between language-world and language-mind. The philosophical and linguistic treatment of the question of contemporary language. Language as a natural object. The language sciences and the humanities. Verifunctional semantics. The Fregean program. The proper names. Object language and metalanguage. The internalism and semantic externalism controversy. Criticisms of the limits of verifunctional semantics.

Line Elective: Subject and Language

Modernities, Languages and Fiction



Modernity and its heterogeneous condition. Cultural productions and the emergence of the “modern condition.” The languages of literature, cinema, theater, television and the media and their implications for the production of meanings and truths in modernity. The objects of culture and the production of subjects. Languages and body: biopolitics and fictions.

Line Elective: Subject and Language

Identities and Individuation



The question about individuation and its participation in the process of identity formation. The question of the principle of individuation as a problem of the humanities. The principle of individuation and the production of knowledge. Formulations of the individuation principle. Knowledge of the singular as singular and as instantiation of a universal. The principle of individuation and the production of identities.

Line Elective: Subject and Language

Truth Theories and Legitimation of Knowledge



The central theories about the concept of truth. The concept of truth and the various knowledge: Anthropology, Philosophy and Linguistics. The primordial elements in the structure of truth theory designs. The question about the true bearers. Key elements of unrealistic theories. Main elements of correspondence theories. The semantic theory about the truth. Truth like aletheia. The metaphysical assumptions in the theories of truth. Truth and the legitimation of knowledge.

Line Elective: Subject and Language

Advanced Seminars



Advanced Seminars with thematic defined by teacher, which deals with more specific research questions developed in each Research Line.

Elective for all lines

* Required for fellows

Campus Cerro Largo

Rua Jacob Reinaldo Haupenthal, 1580, Centro,
Cerro Largo, RS
CEP 97900-000
Tel. (55) 3359-3950
CNPJ: 12.345/0001-12

Campus Chapecó

Rodovia SC 484, km 02,
Bairro Fronteira Sul,
Chapecó, SC
CEP 89815-899
Tel. (49) 2049-2600
CNPJ 11.234.780/0007-46

Campus Erechim

ERS 135, km 72, 200,
Caixa Postal 764,
Erechim, RS
CEP 99700-970
Tel. (54) 3321-7050
CNPJ 11.234.780/0002-31

Campus Laranjeiras do Sul

Rodovia BR 158, km 405,
Caixa Postal 106,
Laranjeiras do Sul, PR
CEP 85319-899
Tel. (42) 3635-0000
CNPJ 11.234.780/0004-01

Campus Passo Fundo

Rua Capitão Araújo, 20,
Passo Fundo, RS
CEP 99010-200
Tel. (54) 3335-8514
CNPJ 11.234.780/0006-65

Campus Realeza

Rodovia PR 182, km 466,
Caixa Postal 253,
Realeza, PR
CEP 85770-000
Tel. (46) 3543-8300
CNPJ 11.234.780/0005-84